Kategori arşivi: food

Unilever, dünyadaki tüm fabrikalarında ‘Sıfır katı atık’ hedefine ulaştı

OMO, Domestos, Algida, Knorr gibi lider markaların üreticisi Unilever, Sürdürülebilir Yaşam Planı kapsamında gerçekleştirmeyi taahhüt ettiği en temel hedeflerinden biri olan ‘sıfır katı atık’ statüsüne, tüm dünyada 2015 yılı itibarıyla ulaştığını duyurdu.

Hedefini çevresel etkisini azaltırken, işini de iki katı büyütmek olarak belirleyen Unilever, tüm küresel fabrika ağında katı atık alanlarına ‘sıfır atık’ gönderen fabrikalar yaratarak 200 milyon Avro da maliyet tasarrufu yaptı.

Türkiye’de ise son olarak üretime başlayan Konya Algida Fabrikası da dahil olmak üzere tüm üretim tesisleri 2013 yılından bu yana ‘sıfır katı atık’ statüsünde üretim yapan Unilever’in; fabrikalarından atık alanlarına hiçbir katı atık gönderilmiyor, tesislerde ortaya çıkan katı atıklar yeniden kullanılıyor, geri dönüştürülüyor ve geri kazanılıyor. Okumaya devam et

Metals as contaminants in food

Metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury are natural occurring chemical compounds. They can be present at various levels in the environment, e.g. soil, water and atmosphere. Metals can also occur as residues in food because of their presence in the environment, as a result of human activities such as farming, industry or car exhausts or from contamination during food processing and storage. People can be exposed to these metals from the environment or by ingesting contaminated food or water. Their accumulation in the body can lead to harmful effects over time




Your Heart Will Go Nuts for Peanuts


Peanuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, the type of fat that is emphasized in the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. Studies of diets with a special emphasis on peanuts have shown that this little legume is a big ally for a healthy heart. In one such randomized, double-blind, cross-over study involving 22 subjects, a high monounsaturated diet that emphasized peanuts and peanut butter decreased cardiovascular disease risk by an estimated 21% compared to the average American diet. Okumaya devam et

The Healthy Eating Pyramid


The Healthy Eating Pyramid sits on a foundation of daily exercise and weight control. Why? These two related elements strongly influence your chances of staying healthy. They also affect what you eat and how your food affects you.

Exercise and weight control are also linked through the simple rule of energy balance: Weight change = calories in – calories out. If you burn as many calories as you take in each day, there’s nothing left over for storage in fat cells, and weight remains the same. Eat more than you burn, though, and you end up adding fat and pounds. Regular exercise can help you control your weight, and it is a key part of any weight-loss effort. Okumaya devam et